Saturday, August 27, 2005


Another year has gone by without Diana. Another anniversary is upon us. Eight years now that we have been without her.

I mentioned this in last years blog on Diana, but for me, the day of her death is actually two days. She died in the early morning hours of 31st August, in Paris. To those of us in the United States, it was 30th August. For me, I lost Diana August 30th.

And, you may be asking, what does Neil Diamond have to do with Princess Diana? As can be seen from the two photos above, he danced with her in the White House, recorded a song mentioning her, and met her on at least two occasions in England where he performed for she and Charles.

Ironic then that on the anniversary of Diana's death, I'm going to be seeing Neil Diamond in concert! Yes, on the 31st of August I'll be at the "Target Center" to see him perform. What a conflict of emotions I can write with certainly. But I know how much Diana enjoyed watching Neil and I can visually see her clapping and moving about as he performed "Forever in Blue Jeans". If he does this song tonight, Diana will be uppermost in my mind, as she will be throughout the night.

I'll be there physically, she'll be there spiritually.

Another day, another year, we continue on in our journey in life. Diana, you are with me so much and I thank you for all you still continue to do for those of us left behind.

Thursday, August 25, 2005


For those who want to see LOTS of Kaysar, click on the link above (it will be highlighted when your mouse moves over it)!

A million dollar smile! That's my Kaysar! Whudup Kaysar! How you doing outside of Big Brother? You are missed. Come visit my blogsite Kaysar.

So tonights eviction means only two (three if we count James) left on the GOOD team. With April getting HOH it seeems the Nerd Herd are winning. Kaysar, what can be done???

Monday, August 22, 2005


Skillful speech not only means that we pay attention to the words we speak and to their tone but also requires that our words reflect compassion and concern for others and that they help and heal, rather than wound and destroy.-Bhante Henepola Gunaratana, "Eight Mindful Steps to Happiness"
After my last post, I felt I betrayed the very things I learned from Kaysar in the weeks watching him on Big Brother. I admit to wanting to scream and say more. Instead, I went to meditate and do yoga, to get back the center of my soul, to remember how Kaysar acted and reacted to everything that went on in the Big Brother house. And oh yes, he was pissed, but watching him deal, think, contemplate, taught me so much. Yet there I went, screaming like a bitch, which I am, at Jenn, who IS a bitch. A ROYAL bitch.
It really helped to do my yoga, to become centered again.
And it really helps having photos of Kaysar! :)
WHAT UP KAYSAR?!! (inside joke for those who don't watch BB)

Saturday, August 20, 2005

BYE BYE BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jennifer is EVICTED

Jennifer...Kaysar called you a "snake". That is too kind of a word. You are the biggest BITCH I have ever come across and I will not waste any more words for YOU!! (OR put up a photo of you!)

KAYSAR, Janie did well. She got the snake out!

Now let's hope Howie or Rachel win POV!!

Friday, August 19, 2005

To Kaysar Ridha....with love

Kaysar! You have shown that one man can make a difference. Did you know you would be that man? Early on you stated that you hoped when people saw you, who you were, your life, your culture, that you could make a difference. You did indeed.

I learned from you, my friend. So much that I cannot put into words the feelings that I wish to share, to thank you for. Your wisdom made me think of how I should be, speak, act, react. Your quiet contemplation in dealing with those around you showed me what can be done through logic and integrity.

Your beauty, both inside and out...what an honor to have 'met' you, if only via the television.

I learned about your culture and found myself wanting to know more. You are so young, yet have the wisdom of Solomon. I can only say a most heartfelt THANK YOU for validating for me, and showing American's, to look at each person as an individual, to have belief in the goodness of man.

You are a Hero Kaysar! Not just my hero..... A hero to all who believe in freedom, honor, righteousness, goodness, love and understanding.

You are....
Forever in my heart.....

Kaysar evicted...Again....Janelle HOH!

My man, Kaysar! (with Janelle) He may have been evicted from Big Brother 6, but in the hearts of MILLIONS he has shown grace under fire, dignity, sincerity and honesty.

Kaysar! That Vulcan mind of yours was too good for the mortals you had to deal with in Big Brother. Your Vulcan mind, which I love so much (WITH your incredible good looks) prevented you from seeing that lesser mortals, indeed, some were the scum of the earth, scheme, cheat and lie to get ahead. Your integrity prevented you from seeing or believing this.

So you are out of the house, but ONLY the house. I expect to see you on many things. Amazing Race with Janelle for one!

And as of this writing Janelle is how HOH and wanting to revenge the dastardly deed that sent you from the house. You did well Kaysar. You ARE America's Hero!

Saturday, August 13, 2005


My boyfriends back....sing it!
FIVE million people voted on who to bring back to Big Brother. 82% voted for Kaysar!! WAY TO GO!!!

Now to keep our Kaysar in the house....Jen won HOH and she put up Janelle (NO) and Rachel for eviction. BUT we hope she will keep her word (yea right) and that someone on Kaysar's side will win VETO and take Janelle off and put up James (BOO James).
Can't trust that "Bad" group, the group against Kaysar's side. We'll see in a few days how this works out!

GLAD TO SEE YOU BACK IN THE GAME KAYSAR!! THOUSANDS of internet votes from THIS blogger for you!

Saturday, August 06, 2005


Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies within us while we live.-Norman Cousins
I believe I understand this saying. Understand as I would not have in my salad days. I've seen people who seem to have no goal, no desire, it is like life is a burdon and they await, what...the end? Death? To see someone who seems beaten down and unwiliing or unable to rise up, always tears me up inside.
Don't get me wrong. Life has and will, as long as I am on this planet, deal me blow after blow, some blows have been more severe than others. But then, everyone goes through valleys. However, that is what makes the mountains so beautiful. I am convinced that one has to go through sorrow in order to appreciate life. Or maybe that is just how I see it.
Sometimes we do wonder if we can continue on.....and yes, we do...and I thank God we do, for indeed, the greatest loss would be if we had no hope for a future.

Kaysar is gone........for now

Kaysar and Janelle in the Big Brother house
Alas, this is not Moi' with Kaysar.
Kaysar was evicted from Big Brother this past Thursday! IS THERE NO JUSTICE???

BUT WAIT!!! CBS has added a "TWIST"! You can either TEXT message or vote online for the evicted houseguest you want to RETURN!!
So come on EVERYONE! VOTE KAYSAR back into the house this upcoming Thursday. He makes the show worth watching.
Even if you don't watch Big Brother...PLEASE go and VOTE KAYSAR!!!
I hope this link to the voting page works...

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