Friday, October 16, 2015


I come from a State without seasons so perhaps this is why, even though I've lived in Minnesota half of my life, I never cease to be amazed as seasons change. The first leave of color in Autumn. The first snow flake in Winter. The first bud on the tree in Spring.

Each season I keep thinking I shall become immune to the beauty, the changing of seasons, the passage of time they represent to me. They have not, and I hope I never do. I'm so fortunate to have had the opportunity to live in two such opposite States. I'm happy my youth was spent where I was on the beach (as in Ocean beach) on Christmas Day.

I look forward to retiring and enjoying the snow days, without the rush hour traffic. God willing in 6.5 years.


Blogger Professor Batty said...

Hi Carol! If you are wondering why your ears are burning I mentioned you today in a Flippism is the Key re-post:

Hope you are doing well in your retirement!

10:54 AM  

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