Sunday, March 20, 2005

Well, I did it

I sent a wedding card to Prince Charles. To add torture onto this, I added HER name on the envelope. Writing "Mrs Parker-Bowles" gagged me more than I can say. I wanted to put "Rotweiler", as that is the name Diana gave her. I had not planned to even mention HER, but my British friend told me my card may draw more attention if both names were on it.

Why did I even SEND a card? I am just curious enough to see if I get a reply. I know the old saying, "Curiosity killed the cat", the the last line is "Satisfaction brought it back". :)

Saturday, March 19, 2005


I read an article a few weeks ago that brought back memories. Memories of my grandparents, my parents and myself. Words. Phrases. Long ago "lingo" likely never to return. Some words/phrases I'd spoken, some I recall hearing from my parents. All were interesting and I felt compelled to write them down. They bring back memories, and yet the words themselves will most likely, sadly, be forever a thing of the past.

Do you remember??


The Cat's Meow
It's your nickel
Heavens to Betsy
Jumpin' Jehoshaphat
My stars and garters

How about...

The milkman did it
Bigger than a breadbox
Knee-high to a grasshopper

You look like the wreck of the hesperus
Don't take any wooden nickles


Rumble seats
Iceboxes and Frigidaires
Victrolas and h-fi's

Fountain pens and inkwells
Party lines
Test patterns
Slide rules
Manual typewriters
Corrasable Bond
Photostats and mimeographs

Nifty words, Ducky they were.

Monday, March 14, 2005


Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.
-James Dean

I love this quote. It was sent to me a few days ago. How ironic it is, I thought. Not that so few words can say so much, but who said them.

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


If only....I could still complain about how "fat" I was, when I weighed 95 lbs.

If only.... I could say that I'd never seen "Capri" (GAG) pants before (and platform shoes, bell bottoms etc.).

If only....I was as intelligent now as I when I was 18.

If only.... I only had to worry about how I looked in high school.

If only.....My brain still functioned

If only.....

WAIT! At least I can say I've been least I remember THAT!

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Dumbshit blog, cont.

Yet again? Yes! I mean, what else can this be called when one has been so self absorbed that nothing is getting blogged?

I'd like to say I've been engrossed in learning the various religions of the world, learning about the political climate we live in. Reading and listening to Lou Dobbs (yes, I really like him) to understand more about outsourcing, other than the "I don't like it" attitude I have . ( I only like it if I can continue to buy my foreign cars).

Sadly, I have been looking for PINK! PINK! I'm into PINK. Got a T-shirt saying "I Love Pink", with the "love" being in the shape of a heart instead of the actual word. Got another pink T-shirt saying "Love to Flirt" (again the heart shaped thingy instead of the word).

Got my pink purse, pink luggage...I'm almost totally ready for my vacation to California. Radical dudette, that is Moi'.

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