Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Kaysar Ridha....Oh dear...he'll be up on the block

No, this is not MOI' with Kaysar...I WISH it were.

Kaysar got Eric out of Big Brother, but now Eric's partner won HOH and you KNOW she will put up Kaysar! I think the other person will be Janelle, though I'm reading on various boards that James will go up. I am now thinking that CBS has BIG BROTHER rigged. How else to explain that Janelle was all be sure to win the HOH competition but then, at the last, here comes MAGGIE and I just KNEW she would win, even as the game was just would be way too easy to have Kaysar's unofficial partner win HOH and thus keep Kaysar.

I hope CBS, with all their "secrets", will create a plan to keep Kaysar in the house....I mean, COME ON CBS...HE is the reason so many are watching!! HELLO??!!!


Big Brother 6 and KAYSAR RIDHA photos 7/27/05

The Chess game was incredible! Eric is a butthead and had BETTER be voted off on Thursday. Kaysar is, what can I add? His "agenda" in playing the game is perfect. Now, the ONLY thing Kaysar has to do is prepare for whatever "secrets" BB has in store for the houseguests that may through off his plan.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

KAYSAR RIDHA from Big Brother 6


Kaysar, when you get out. I would LOVE to have you email me, and I you. Your intellect, wisdom, spirit are AWESOME!!!

Monday, July 18, 2005


"Tears of Joy"

"Tears of Despair"

Last evening, for whatever reason, I was thinking back to when I was young, very young, before school young. I remembered sitting beside my mother, on the living room sofa, as she watched a TV show which I believe was called "Queen For A Day". I cannot remember anything about it. You know, how the woman became "Queen For A Day" and all that. But I remember the endings. Some silly prizes, or so I thought. Like a washing machine or something like that. The winner got a "crown" put on her head too, if I recall correctly. And oh yes, I think she got a "robe" draped around her and maybe even a "septre"? I seem to remember her holding SOMETHING.

But more than the memory of the show was of something I said to my mother.

"Why is that lady crying mommy, she just WON?!". My mother replied, "she's crying because she is so happy". I remember thinking, "Why would you cry when you are HAPPY?!"

And as I recalled that memory last evening, I also realized that now it seems I cry more out of happiness than sorrow. Sorrow I keep deep within me, and when tears do flow in despair, they are never seen or heard by others, not even the person with whom I cohabitate.

Yet it seems I cannot stem tears of joy! An unexpected gift. A kind remark. A hug from a friend. Tears spring easily to my eyes. Oh and let's not forget a sentimental movie or a good book!

Having said the above, I cannot ever remember crying from "happy tears" when growing up, so I am now asking this...... 'At what point in our lives do "happy tears" begin?!'

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Terror Attacks in London

This photo of Prime Minister Tony Blair says it all!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Tom Bernard...This is for you...92KQRS RULES

Tom, Tom, Tom!! As a devoted listener I have to say, YOU ALL ROCK!!! Even though you think Bloggers sit and Blog their lives away. (Terri, was that you who said that today? or implied it?) Nah, some of us just like to put pen to paper, or keyboard to blogsite. A journal, some fun. Memories to recall, wishes we have.

Stretch! LOVE YOU! Are you the only liberal on the show? And I the listener? That's ok!

Tom..this blog is for you! You said today that there is usually nothing said in print that is flattering (paraphrasing here) about you. Well, I think you are the best. Even when I don't agree, I love your intelligence, wit, insight. Terri, keep Diana alive in your heart!

To the MORNING SHOW on KQRS! Take a bow!!!

Thanks for telling it like it is, even if we don't always seen as eye to eye!!!

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


"Springs Eternal", so the saying goes.

Today I had a phone interview for a possible job I'm seeking. Without jinxing myself, I will say that this interview went exceptionally well and I now await the next part, which comes on Thursday. This, I shall hope, will take me to the end with the result being a new job that seems, at this juncture, to good to be true.

HOPE! I have been on cloud nine since the phone interview. A few minutes ago, as I found myself still grinning from ear to ear, feeling healthier than I have in months, it occurred to me that I have HOPE! And what a CONCEPT "hope" has turned out to be.

Whether I get this job or not, for the first time I see the power of hope.

Saturday, July 02, 2005


Yesterday Princess Diana would have been 44 years old! GASP! The years may pass but she will always be in the hearts of we who loved her.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Brooke vs Tom...

Thank GOD Brooke Shields has stood up to that IDIOT Tom Cruise, and voiced her very valid opinion of his absurd, may I say CRAZY, views on Psychiatry and prescription medications. Brooke, you go girl! And to all the people who have had their say against CRAZY CRUISE, as I have decided to call HIM, I stand and applaud you all.

For you see, I get so angry when I see IDIOTS like Tom Cruise, who obviously have NO CLUE as to what they are talking about, that I cannot think logically and all I want to do is slap them crazy!

And Katie Holmes parents should take a firm stand with their daughter and pull her away from CRAZY TOM.

But hell, the "publicity planned" marriage will not last anyhow, if it even takes place.

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