Kaysar evicted...Again....Janelle HOH!
My man, Kaysar! (with Janelle) He may have been evicted from Big Brother 6, but in the hearts of MILLIONS he has shown grace under fire, dignity, sincerity and honesty.
Kaysar! That Vulcan mind of yours was too good for the mortals you had to deal with in Big Brother. Your Vulcan mind, which I love so much (WITH your incredible good looks) prevented you from seeing that lesser mortals, indeed, some were the scum of the earth, scheme, cheat and lie to get ahead. Your integrity prevented you from seeing or believing this.
So you are out of the house, but ONLY the house. I expect to see you on many things. Amazing Race with Janelle for one!
And as of this writing Janelle is how HOH and wanting to revenge the dastardly deed that sent you from the house. You did well Kaysar. You ARE America's Hero!
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