Ode to Jake
When he shall die, Take him and cut him out in little stars, And he will make the face of heaven so fine That all the world will be in love with night, And pay no worship to the garish sun......Shakespeare
My friend Bobbie's kitty died today. 1 p.m. est. He went in peace, in his mothers arms, after a short illness. I never had the privilege of meeting Jake, but from what I have heard about him, he was a very special kitty.
There are many people who do not understand the grief pet owners have at the loss of a "child". Some people don't like pets, some people have pet's but that is what the animals are to those people, pets. Then there are others, those of us who do not see them as "pets" but as a part of us, our children. No less than some view human children. And as too often happens with human children, these wonderful pets.....cats, dogs, it doesn't matter the pet, but they depart this earth before we do, and thus, we are left, the survivors, to grieve.
Some people can be very insensitive to we pet lovers who have had a loved one die. Insensitive is a kind word actually, for I think it is horrible when someone who hears about the death of your furry child looks you in the face and says, "get another pet". What I personally do is to glare at the person and say, "and if your child dies, you will go get another"? I know this is not the answer expected and it is not welcomed...but neither is the answer we hear...."get another pet".
Bobbie is in the depths of despair. She has Jake's "brother" Ari to help her through this time, but as anyone who has ever suffered a loss as this knows, the pain is there...raw...the hurt that words nor people, cannot help.
Jake had a charmed life. I know this because I know his "mummy". Ari does also. The words do not come to me in this time of sorrow for a dear friend, a sister. Words never do when the pain is so deep.
And to Bobbie, my sister, my friend....all I can give you is my love. And know that time, while it will not heal your sorrow, will allow you to think back on the happy memories and not the last stage of Jake's life.
To Jake....you are sorely missed. Be happy, be free, and visit your mummy.