This word has resurfaced in my life. "Bookmobile". I am in the midst of reading a murder mystery and of all things to come across in the book was a sentence in which the detective is talking about the "library being closed" but that a "bookmobile" was open.
Bookmobile! Good grief! I have not heard this word since grade school. Upon reading this sentence, memories began flooding back to me. Thoughts I'd never think to remember again in this lifetime.
When I was in first and second grade, where I went to school there was a "bookmobile". It pulled up at the grade-school every Thursday and we were allowed to walk through this mobile library, searching out what would be a newfound treasure to read for the next week or two. Having always loved to read, this was so cool to the little child I was back then.
What happened to bookmobiles? Do they still exist? Or are they in small communities? Or do kids even desire to read as we once did?!
Oh heck ya, as a kid growning up in rural Mn the weekly bookmmoblie was the high point of my week during the summer. Until I read every book in that bus. Then I discovered libarays that sent you books from a list. I soon discovered that if I used an allis I could order more books to be sent to our address so that during the time the books spent in transent, I would have something to read.
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