As the Budda quotes, "I am not one's servant. With the knowledge I have gained, I wander about in all the world, being a servant to no one. One could say, like the rain or sky does wander as no ones servant."
Just checking in Professor. Loved the blog on your purchase for the weaver. When you have returned to earth, as in the great Midwest of the US, let me know. For you know I am eagerly anticipating seeing you to look not only at your pictures but to hear indepth about your magical visit to Iceland...
Is there anyone out there who can explain to me relationships? Not just male/female relationships (though I would LOVE to have an explanation on those), but relationships in general. You know. Relationships with relatives, with friends and yes, with the opposite sex.
I feel I have been very, VERY blessed this past year. Two people who mean so much to me are back in my life. Wait! That is simplistic and really doesn't convey my thoughts.
One person back in my life is really not "back". For we really had never known one another until a few months ago. In many ways I feel it is a miracle that we are in one another's life at all. It could have so easily never have happened. But happen it did!
There is another person who is back in my life. We had a falling out a few years ago, not the first, but I pray the last. We are so different yet quite similar. We had a great trip together to Montana in 2002. We have the same black humor and can talk and laugh for hours.
The male/female relationships are harder to figure out. Or is it depending on the people you are in the relationship with? Some people are open and vocal about everything. Conversations can flow like a waterfall. Thoughts and feelings are expressed without hesitation. Then you have the people who are sadly stunted in their ability to speak, to express thoughts and feelings.
The sad thing about people like this is that you are left wondering what is honestly going on in their heads and I believe you have a lack of trust that would not be there if the person could open up, no matter if you wanted to hear what they had to say or not.
Relationships! Some are grand with no "but" and some are exciting and fun with a "but". As in "but what are your REAL thoughts?"
Go figure. That is life I suppose. Enjoy the moment. Carpe diem!
Yes I did! I gave in and joined Lifetime in New Hope. I've never succeeded in any of the fitness centers I've belonged to throughout the years, and I've belonged to plenty, including Lifetime years ago.
But I am about 7 lbs from my goal weight and while I'm thrilled with my weight loss, the "excess flesh" (yes, sounds gross, and IS gross) just HAS to GO!! I have the treadmill and eliptical at home, as well as free weights, but I'm not able to firm up certain areas. I feel this time I'll be motivated to actually go to the gym I signed up with. These two photos are from last Sunday 10-1-06. When I reach goal, I'll post more.
So come on people! I need MOTIVATION!!! (please????) I don't know why the one is so pixelated... sorry about that.
I don't consider myself a bi-polar personality, though I feel at times I exhibit signs of this. But I can tell you how my brain works, or doesn't, depending on what you know and think of me.
I'm "reconnecting" with a long lost relative. My Niece Susan. Before August of this year, I honestly cannot remember the last time I saw her. I THINK it may have been the summer of '83. Ahhhh, we were both SO young. Actually, we are not far apart in age, though I'm sure she would prefer to say I'm the OLD Aunt of hers. I, however, prefer to think of us both as "thirtysomethings". So I shall!
I'm now getting to know Susan. Actually, I don't know if I ever really knew Susan. I don't think our paths crossed much in life. Maybe a half day here or there throughout our lives. I really don't know and sadly cannot remember. I just know I felt a total stranger to her, and indeed to all my Nieces.
But miracles do occur and Susan and I met again. Strangers and maybe both hesitant and wondering what the other was like. For me, meeting Susan and getting to know her has brought so much joy into my life. She is one of those unique people. Someone so incredible, beautiful, talented, intellectual, loving, kind, caring, on and on I could go.
And you ask, where does the "bi-polar" come into play?
My brain goes something like this....(read jubilant) " I cannot believe how lucky I am to be getting to know Susan". (brain then says (read depressed), " It is SO sad that so many years went by without us knowing one another". (happy brain pipes up), "But at least we DID meet and are getting to know one another".
Back and forth. That is my brain. That is how my brain thinks on almost everything in life. No wonder I don't sleep at night. So much to THINK about.
But of this I am certain. No matter our achievements or our faults, our life mistakes and life learnings, I have found a most incredible friend!! And lucky for me, she happens to be my Niece.