Social Norms, A "Bad Gene"? Or What?
Some people live their lives in total bliss. They grow up, marry, have children, a house, "settle down" and, to simplify, enjoy life.
Some people go against the "norm". These are people who have, for numerous reasons, taken the wrong path in life. Their "home" is a cell, away from society, and for good reason.
Some people are considered the strange people, weird, if you will. These people don't adhere to the "social norms".
Is it heredity? Is it a "bad gene"? Or are some people simply born with ideas and thoughts that are not what is considered by society to be "The norm"?!
Some people love the idea of marriage. Of having that special one, that all encompassing feeling that this one person can bring. Some aren't as passionate about it, but they do it all the same (marriage that is), and have the 2.5 children.
Then there are "The Others". These people enjoy their solitude. They also cannot fathom the monogamous lifestyle that goes with marriage. Not to say they don't marry, for most do, but devoting one's life to ONE individual? For some people this is not comprehensible.
Not that there is anything wrong with those who find happiness and contentment with a "soul mate", no, nothing wrong at all.
I'm one of "The Others", The group that is boggled by the monogamous lifestyle. One who stands and watches. I hear and see what I'll call "group A". I am in daily contact with "Group A". But I'm NOT a member of "Group A".
Is it a "bad gene"? Did something "go wrong" somehow within me? I just know that the euphoria of that "someone new", is totally awesome. I can only conclude that "Group A" must stare at me as I do them. Both of us in utter bewilderment at the other.
To toss in yet another twist is the fact that I view, even wish, that I were like "Group A", to some degree. The social "norm" person. It must be a calming feeling to be content with one person, to be happy with life as it comes. To not wander about throughout life. To be faithful. Content.
I'm "programmed" to this. Life is so short and there are so many people to be attracted to, to enjoy, to learn and love (in our own ways). I'm always awaiting the new adventure, travel, moving, a new "person" who always seems to come along. Always wondering what is around the next corner.
I'm a good person, though an "Other", and the newest person to cross my way in life is HOT!!! And I'm THRILLED!!!
And I know, beyond a doubt, that this will run it's course, and when complete, I'll still have the person I co habitate with.
AND....that is priceless!