The Eyes
I have a passion for art and photography. I'm the type of person who can be brought to tears when viewing a painting. Some paintings "call" to me and I stand, mesmerized, lost to the world about me.
Some photos do this also. In my basement are thousands of photos. Hundreds are of strangers. People I do not, nor will I ever, know. Then there are others that I find I have known. While looking through boxes and scrapbooks some time ago, I came upon two, one of which is this.

From the back of the picture I know that the girl was 19 years of age. Something about this photo made me look beyond the picture itself. I think it is something in her eyes. As I continued to look, questions came to me, such as, what she was thinking as she posed for this picture? What did the downcast eyes say? Was she sad? Shy? Was she wondering what her life would be like? Maybe she was just posing for a photographer and it is as simple as that. But then again, maybe not, and for that reason, this picture haunts me.
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