Tuesday, January 31, 2006

State of the Union Tonight...OH GOD!

OMG! It's that time again. Another evening ruined for me as Dubya has to try and form sentences to give the "State Of The Union".

It is agony to watch this person. I cringe at his inability to form a sentence. Or is it that I want to put my hand through the tv screen when he leans forward, doing what I call his bully pose, to what, make a point? Does he know the "point" he is trying to make? I highly doubt it!

Maybe he is short. Is that why he has to lean into the podium, then glare around the room as in "I DARE you to question my authority"??? Can he not stand tall?

But when he does stand and walk, he looks like he is wearing depends AND walking like an ape. Maybe he is decended from one? What an insult to the animal kingdom. I'm sorry.

To those who say, don't watch, I say, how can I not watch, at least most of it, for then I would be stooping to HIS level (and his followers) by airing my views (both on the net and in real life) without actually hearing his words.

I'll do some Yoga and Pilates tonight to calm me down.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Oprah? God? Who is Who?

I stand outside of the "Oprah" circle. Based on what I read, hear, watch and see, I am apparently the one person on this planet that is not a part of, nor wishing to be, the "World According to Oprah"! The latest piece of wisdom to come from Ms "O" is in regards to the uproar of the book, "A Million Little Pieces". A book I have not read.

As an outsider from Oprah's world, I use the words puzzled and mystified to describe the "World of Oprah". A book endorsed by Oprah (called "Oprah's Book Club"), will skyrocket to best seller. (Personally, if I am about to buy a book and I see it is an "Oprah Book Club" selection, I refuse to buy it)!

Oprah likes some product? Why, it is THE product to have. What is Oprah's opinion about this or that? For if SHE gives anything a Thumbs Up, then it is gospel.

Again, being an outsider from Oprah's world, here is what I observe.

Internet clubs, the ones I belong too anyhow, continually talk about Oprah almost as a higher power, a celestial being!! No matter where I am in "real" life, the store, work, you name it, I hear about "Oprah" and what incredible thing "happened today". ("Did you see Oprah"? is a familiar refrain no matter where I go, and I'm not the one being asked)!!

When I see clips of her shows, not counting the controversial issues, like Tom Cruise jumping on the couch, or the Frey fiasco, it is when she is doing one of her "giveaways". What I see when the camera's pan the audience are people who appear to be in lifes dispair, in great need (of what?). People who appear to worship the ground she walks on. She is the Savior. Is this considered "normal" behavior?

Many people went to help out after Katrina. Many stayed and are still there. Oprah pops up, hugs, tears etc, and it is like the second coming!

I used to watch Oprah. When she was a human being. Back in the '80's. I'd catch her show when she was struggling with life's issues, or working on weight etc. I stopped watching when Oprah changed for format. I've only caught a few shows in the past decade or so, but from all I see, read and hear, I feel like I have not missed a show!

Oprah! It appears it is all about her. Now she is backtracking on the Frey book fiasco. But is it totally unselfish? Or is it to save face in the view of the backlash of emails she got when she defended Frey on Larry King? Now I hear that the publishing world is going to "rethink" what they publish!! My understanding is this is basically happening since Oprah took to task not only Frey, but the publishing world for merely believing authors of non fiction books instead of checking stats.

Now I'm not opposed to this. But once again, it is OPRAH who, with one show, has caused this.

I do have to say to Oprah! Girlfriend, you look MARVELOUS!! When I saw scenes from your show on Thursday, all I could think of is to ask you who has worked on your face. You've always been lovely, but now you absolutely glow! Oprah. You share everything, or so I've been told. Please share with me your cosmetic surgeon. You can email me at the email on my blogsite if you wish to keep it quiet.

If Oprah were anyone but Oprah, would she be getting the accolades? Or would people be wondering about the "cult" following this person has established?

I even hesitate to publish this post, for lightening might strike me down. I DID though, put Oprah's name in "Gold". Maybe this will help?

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Mom and Me.....The baby boomer challenge

A few days ago there was an article in the local paper regarding the fact the first of the baby boomers will be turning 60 this year. (Please note I'm a ways off yet).

The article (and several I've recently read that are along the same lines) mentioned many things, among them being how we boomers are not wanting to age gracefully. Clothing was mentioned. The fact that we boomers dress like our children etc. The writer talked about her youth and mentioned how her 62 year old grandmother looked and acted. This when the author was seven years old.

I look back at video of my grandparents, my parents and relatives and I see people who appeared much older than "our" generation. This gave me thought as to how I match up to my mother. So I have been digging (see a previous post) around to try and find a photo of my mother when she was the same age as I. FINALLY I found one. Not the exact one I was thinking of, but it will have to do.

My mother and myself. The age we were/are is not mentioned. It doesn't need to be mentioned.


I'll fight age as long as I can. If anyone wants to take up a fund so I can get a face lift, I'd very much appreciate it. Botox? Well of course (another fund needs to be set up please)!

Personally, I dress the way I want to dress. And hell, why not? The kids now days have all the cute clothes! I'm not passing them up!

HERE'S TO YOU MOMMY! I hope you are looking down and smiling the smile I remember. I know you are not even able to fathom the "world wide web". But you are HERE! And I even used your favorite color for the text! Now I need to give Papa equal time.

You Don't Use Tape?

I work in Accounting.

A few days ago an IT person was at my cubicle to check things. His primary function is the "software". He "used" to be in accounting himself it turns out.

He glanced at my calculator, saw the new roll of tape in it and said, "You still use tape"? In my head I was totally perplexed. While I don't use tape a lot, I do use it occasionally. Whenever I need too.

He soon left but I have been thinking about that comment ever since. I know technology has passed me by but what do people do if they don't use tape when needing to work and rework numbers that don't add up?

Is there something the new generation has found? (This guy did not look that young so maybe it was his "Software" knowledge that caused him to say this)?

Whatever it is, I'm still trying to understand what I've obviously missed in the modern age.

Now I'll crawl into my cave and wait for the sun to come up so I'll know the time!

Monday, January 16, 2006

Diana, Princess of Wales

I am working on learning how to post pictures that can be included within the body of a post, not just at the top. When a photo is needed, who else but Diana, Princess of Wales, would be the person to test photos on?

This one is a beautiful shot. The eyes! I'm speechless.

But wait! This photo is heartbreaking. You can see inside her soul. There are no words to describe this picture.

Thank you fellow bloggers (Andrea, a HUGE thank you) for showing me how to insert photos into a post.

And to Diana. Always a Princess, but most importantly, always human.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

I need a quote! AND some help

Look at everything as though you were seeing it either for the first or last time. Then your time on earth will be filled with glory.
-Betty Smith
I really like the above quote. Really! Truly! Honestly!
For I HAVE just seen something for the first and last time! My last BLOG!!!! The one that isn't there! The one that was complete when my MOUSE froze and I lost everything!
Betty- I'm trying to be filled with joy.
Deep breath..... Ok, I am filled with joy. For the blog I was writing, I have decided, was one of most babbling, incoherant blogs I've thus far written.
Joy! Yes, joy for those who may have come across what is now lost. Time has not been wasted afterall.

Thank you Betty.....and I LOVE your books!
Now!!! Does ANYONE know why my paragraphs aren't working? The only space I have is the last one! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 08, 2006


photo from my private collection

The King lives on for millions of us fans. People come and people go, but there is only one King. Trite, cliche'? Yes. But true.
Miss you Elvis. To quote a phrase that has been used quite a bit lately, "see you on the other side".

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