Mom and Me.....The baby boomer challenge
A few days ago there was an article in the local paper regarding the fact the first of the baby boomers will be turning 60 this year. (Please note I'm a ways off yet).
The article (and several I've recently read that are along the same lines) mentioned many things, among them being how we boomers are not wanting to age gracefully. Clothing was mentioned. The fact that we boomers dress like our children etc. The writer talked about her youth and mentioned how her 62 year old grandmother looked and acted. This when the author was seven years old.
I look back at video of my grandparents, my parents and relatives and I see people who appeared much older than "our" generation. This gave me thought as to how I match up to my mother. So I have been digging (see a previous post) around to try and find a photo of my mother when she was the same age as I. FINALLY I found one. Not the exact one I was thinking of, but it will have to do.
My mother and myself. The age we were/are is not mentioned. It doesn't need to be mentioned.

I'll fight age as long as I can. If anyone wants to take up a fund so I can get a face lift, I'd very much appreciate it. Botox? Well of course (another fund needs to be set up please)!
Personally, I dress the way I want to dress. And hell, why not? The kids now days have all the cute clothes! I'm not passing them up!
HERE'S TO YOU MOMMY! I hope you are looking down and smiling the smile I remember. I know you are not even able to fathom the "world wide web". But you are HERE! And I even used your favorite color for the text! Now I need to give Papa equal time.
One of the most beautiful women I had ever seen was the receptionist/secretary at the art school in Fort Wayne, Indiana in 1982-6. She had silver gray hair and wore it long, hanging down her back most often. Wrinkles, yes. But one could see they were as much "smiling" wrinkles as just age.
I think with the beauty you sport on your picture, you have little to worry about as you age, girl. Yer Mom looks OK, too. The smile blinds folks to the real age of a person....
OK, maybe not always.
Anyway, why consider putting toxins under your skin when it won't let your real smile shine through?
Or, am I being too forward?
No Boneman, you aren't being forward. Personally speaking, I'll be botoxing and whatever else I need to do to fight lines, wrinkles (is there a difference?) and whatever else is needed (if I have the funds).
This is a personal choice and not one I would tell others to do. There are many psychological reasons one needs to understand before undertaking anything like this, and I am more than happy to discuss with others their feelings will give information if asked.
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