So I want to write a blog! Quite rare for me these days. Thought it would be simple. Should have been. No rambling on as usual! But then wait!! It won't work. My blog won't WORK!
It STILL is not working. I cannot create paragraphs, I cannot "center". Oh, Mr. BLOGSPOT makes me FEEL like I can. Not easily mind you, NOOOO, I have to click left justify, then right justify, to break up paragraphs, or so Mr. Blogspot makes me believe.
Even now, I'm having to click right justify to create a new paragraph, at which time I then LEFT justify ONLY to click on "publish" and see that all paragraphs STILL run together, as they are doing now!
I wish I knew what was going on. All I know is I wanted to publish a nice little blog and now it is a runon sentence!!!
ps....the blog I WANTED to write is below this.......and if anyone can see paragraphs, or tell me what is going on, I'll pay you. I'll sell myself to you! (But I warn you, I'm expensive)!!! :)