Sunday, April 24, 2005

I'm back

Actually, while indeed I've been "gone" as that dreadful thing called "life" has seemingly taken over my being the past few weeks, still and all, I confess to being ROYALLY pissed off (not JUST pissed off, mind you, ROYALLY pissed off) at how my blog HATES ME!

I did try to blog, oh yes I did. Began one blog, went to create a new paragraph and the blasted thing would not allow me, to use an old saying from typing class, "skip a line". I tried and tried. Nada, zip, nothing. Only run on sentences. I then saved the not even halfway finished blog to "draft".

I just deleted the "draft". It wasn't relevant any longer, or I don't think so. Nothing important or earth shattering anyhow. I'm just pissed that I could not CREATE it!

So far this blithering blog is working.....go figure!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

The Reply

Scroll down for the blog regarding Charles and Camilla, or Pondscum as I refer to her.

I did receive a letter from "Clarance House". Form letter of course. Thanking me for taking the time to write and how the Prince and "Mrs Parker Bowles" greatly appreciate all the "entheustic" mail they have received in regards to the announcement of their wedding.

I'd LOVE to know how many "responses" they got as I cannot BELIEVE people are thrilled with this union.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

A Legal Tampax

Charles: Or, God forbid, a Tampax. Just my luck! (laughs). Camilla: You are a complete idiot! (laughs). Oh what a wonderful idea!
Charles: My luck to be chucked down a lavatory and go on and on forever swirling round on the top, never going down! Excerpt form "Camillagate"

I am THRILLED (insert cough here) to report that Prince Charles is now a LEGAL (vs illicit) tampax, with Camilla now being the Duchess of Cornwall (or as well all really know, the new Princess of Wales).

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Leaving on a Jet Plane

...."don't know when I'll be back again...", to California that is.

I fly home to Minnesota Friday the 15th. One more day here as I write this. Wish I could bring the weather with me. Oh I know, it is nice in MN and the temps aren't bad, but what I love is the low humidity/dewpoint. Mind and body feels wonderful.

OH!! Almost forgot to mention, to any resident of Minnesota, I watched Paul Magers on the news here. Boy has he sold himself out! Back in MN, I enjoyed watching the frequently funny, always surprising news anchor, the one with the colorful jackets and ties. Here he is subdued, very conservative, and from what I see is not even the lead anchor. Some woman is the one who does most of the talking.

I thought maybe it was just that I was only seeing a weeks worth of news, but when I told my cousin the antics he would pull back in MN on KARE 11, she could not beleive it. Said that was a side of him they did not see. Said he is very serious and conservative.

Yup, sold himself out. Guess Bernard (as in Tom, as in 92 KQRS) was right about Magers ego. Sad.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


I learned a valuable lesson, probably too late, of course. What I learned is don't blab and show relatives and friends your blog site if you don't want to have to keep one's mouth shut on what your feelings are regarding them and situations. I now have a gag over my mouth. Well, until I feel it may be safe to "talk" here, at least where THEY are concerned.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Greetings from California

I'm HERE!! I arrived in California yesterday (April 9th). As the plane was landing I looked down upon the homes, the manicured lawns, the swimming pools in the back yards, the palm trees, and I wanted to weep. The beauty of the place I grew up in tugged at my heart.
Funny how you don't appreciate something until you are not there. Growing up in Orange County, I didn't know anything different. But returning to the mountians, the ocean, the beauty. What can I say but that no matter what anyone says about California, I feel so very blessed to have been born and raised here.
To Mac users, I have a question. During a visit with my sister yesterday, I got on my nephews Mac. He has a extra large monitor so I don't know if that plays into my question, but what I would like to know is this. When I brought up my blog site, the font was so tiny that none of us could see it to read, or barely I should say.
So you mac does the font I use show up to others? Was it that particular computer that had the tiny font or does the font show up tiny on all mac's??? Any advise is greatly appreciated.
To my friends at the photo lab. If your ears were burning yesterday, it was because I was talking about you all and the lovely people you are and the marvelous work you do!! :)
I must go...palm trees are calling me, as is the sunshine.

Sunday, April 03, 2005



Actually, my birthday is 4 April. Even though I am writing this on 3 April, in some parts of the world it IS 4 April.

I keep forgetting it is my birthday because of my upcoming trip to California (9 April), but, well, I've always loved birthday's. When I was young, VERY young, I enjoyed counting the years. Now I enjoy the DAY! I love GIFTS, money preferably! Yes, "money honey", as the song says. But gifts, small, large, thrift store, expensive...I want it all! High maintenance? You I get the gifts? Nope, but that doesn't keep me from telling the world....IT'S MY BIRTHDAY AND I LOVE PRESENTS.

"Pretty presents for pretty ladies" I believe Lucy said in a Peanuts cartoon show...ok, so the pretty is stretching all comes back to....PRESENTS...ME ME ME. BIRTHDAY..

Lord, is it not grand that one only has to listen to my selfish Birthday thoughts once a year??? :)

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