Monday, September 20, 2010

September 20 2010

Now isn't THAT a creative title! Summer is on it's way out, or has left the building, much as Elvis has, or do I see Elvis' shadow walking toward the sunset as I see summer heading that way also?

I always have good intentions of returning here to write, but as an admitted facebook junkie, my blog site has been ignored. I can see this by the last post, written this past March! March??? OMGsh!! Seems like yesterday.

I would like to write, as I always would, profound words of wisdom. But it's I'm cutting me some slack.

Just stopping by to say 'Hey" to anyone out there...including myself.

Oh! I know. This upcoming Saturday is UFC 118. Yes, I LOVE LOVE LOVE my UFC fights. MMA is my passion!! (that's mixed martial arts for those not in the 'know'). ;)

I would like to think with the dark days of Winter approaching, I'll be on here more often....Yup, would like to think that..... er-hum

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