Saturday, March 27, 2010


I was not pleased with my first passport photo (sorry Professor) so had another taken. MUCH improved if I do say so myself...and I do!! :D

Friday, March 05, 2010

An update????

Update? When I haven't been here in years? (Except for the one blog I recently wrote).

Professor, so good to see you again. I envy your trips to Iceland, wishing I could get to England as often. I feel we have the same feelings for our "Countries", you with Iceland, me with England.....

I put in my email. Had to put the actual one in as Mr "Blogspot" wouldn't allow me to space things, or write 'at'. Pooh

I want a redo on my passport photo. It is awful. Dreadful. I'd hoped he would take a couple of pic's. Proex took five pics when I had my other passport done 10 years ago. As I look at it, I need all the help (and re-do's) I can get.

I honestly will try to blog once my life gets some semblance of normalcy, not that it ever has been normal, mind you.

Until then..............................

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