Wednesday, February 21, 2007

My Chi Is Out Of Alignment

It is not a good feeling when your Chi is out of alignment.

It began yesterday. I can feel it still this a.m. as I write.

Are the cosmos doing something I am not aware of? Planets in or out of things?

I need to get my Chi in order. This is a most unsettling feeling.

Are external factors causing this? The fact my emotions have been doing cartwheels this week?

For example:

The person I cohabitate with has put their profile up on Yea, I know we have an incredible relationship but are only friends. Still, the initial viewing of said profile, to actually see this caused chaos within me.

Then I have the guy with the necklace.

Then the other guy.

But the Chi.............. it comes back to the Chi. I don't think external factors can cause the inner Chi to be so totally off balance..... or can it?

So my question is how can I get my Chi in order?

Thursday, February 01, 2007

What Type Of Personality Is This?

Reference here a male individual.

A hair not out of place. Perfectly groomed. Mustashe could not be more immaculate.

His car is so clean you could eat off the floor, if you were so inclined. At the gym he keeps his towel perfectly folded in a square. Whether it is put down to use equipment, to go into the sauna, the whirlpool, the regular pool. Towel is picked up and put down so as not to dishevel it in the least.

Get the point.... an almost anal neet freak. (one this person goes...hmmmmm .... is he Ted Bundy?)

You then are invited to his house. He tells you there isn't anything there. You reply "sparten". Yes.

You go to the house.

You "Profile" the place as you walk first.... not one kitchen appliance is evident. Nothing. There is nothing in the refrigerator....nothing..... You look at the sink and see it is 1/4 filled with old backed up water...and the sinks a mess.

The furniture consists of three missmatched garage sale "free" type looking items. A beat up old couch and two recliners. There is a tv.

Dust all over. You ask if he has any warm? No...and nothing to make them in.

No pictures, nothing on the walls.

My thoughts? The place is a "front". But for what? What double life does he have? A wife that he denies having?

This is natural?? Is it only myself who feels that a person who appears so immaculatly groomed, whose car is like brand new and whose towels (oh yes, and a backseat blanket that was perfectly folded into a nice, neet square) are perfectly folded at all times, then has hovel for a house is NORMAL???

Thoughts please.

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