Thursday, December 14, 2006


I am a firm believer that everyone we meet, for however long or short, during this lifetime, has entered our life for a reason. Some people enter so briefly you don't even remember them. The people run the spectrum.

What I'm not understanding is why we are allowed to meet certain people who are so awesome, only to have them depart in haste.

I've met a few very nice people at the gym I joined in October. Some I would dare to call friends. However, there is one special person who I'm writing about tonight.


Has anyone ever met someone whom you feel an immediate closeness too? A person that you immediately bond with, can talk with as you would someone you have known for years? Talk as if you were twins?

This is how I feel about Laura. She works at the gym and while she is 23 years old (a TAD bit younger than hum) but to use a common adage, we could be "seperated at birth", the way we get on.

She first told me a couple weeks ago that she might be moving back home. She neednt' have told me for I felt this, which is why I asked, and yes, she had given serious thought. Home is South Dakota.

Last week she told me she would have to make a decision by this past Monday as she had a job offer and her roommate had found a townhome.

I knew her decision though she said she wasn't sure. I called her and saw her tonight when at the gym and yes, she is leaving. January 19th.

We exchanged cell numbers, emails, you know....... But I'm also old enough, sad to say, to know we probably won't see one another again, or maybe a few times??

So all this blog is about is that I care so much for her and treasure a friendship that blossomed so quickly and I am not understanding why it is being taken away. I cannot explain the connection, but it is there.

A messy blog this is, but as I said above, I don't understand why we are allowed to meet people who will only be in our lives a nanosecond!

I miss Laura already.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


I am into the word "Doppleganger". I want to write a blog on a subject that could be described as a "doppleganger".

My problem is that I'm not sure doppleganger is the appropriate word to use. Yes, I've looked up the definition of doppleganger and it says " a ghostly double of a living person....the word dopple means "double"...the term in the vernaular refers to any double of a person, most commonly in reference to a so-called evil twin, or to bilocation...etc."

But I'm still confused. Could doppleganger be used for a deceased person? For someone who was NOT evil?

I will explain in my next blog why I am asking these questions. Any thoughts are appreciated.

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