The Voting is Over...Marcellas, Kayser, Janelle....
The voting is now over for Big Brother "All Stars".
Yes, I admit I may be biased, but there are three people who I feel deserve to be back in that house this summer.
Number one on the list. Marcellas. From what I have seen of him, and words I've read by him, he seems a person with a huge compassion for others. One who is also easily hurt. Loving, giving, caring. Funny, witty, sexy. I just want to hug him and be there for him.
Kayser. My! That smile. And the wisdom he has for someone so young. Someone I would like to have in depth conversations with. I could learn so much.
Janelle. She is great. Proof that people should see past looks, to see what is inside a person. ROCK ON JANIE!!!
I am excited to see all three next week, as they enter the house.