Kaysar Ridha....Oh dear...he'll be up on the block

No, this is not MOI' with Kaysar...I WISH it were.
Kaysar got Eric out of Big Brother, but now Eric's partner won HOH and you KNOW she will put up Kaysar! I think the other person will be Janelle, though I'm reading on various boards that James will go up. I am now thinking that CBS has BIG BROTHER rigged. How else to explain that Janelle was all be sure to win the HOH competition but then, at the last, here comes MAGGIE and I just KNEW she would win, even as the game was just beginning.....it would be way too easy to have Kaysar's unofficial partner win HOH and thus keep Kaysar.
I hope CBS, with all their "secrets", will create a plan to keep Kaysar in the house....I mean, COME ON CBS...HE is the reason so many are watching!! HELLO??!!!