Thursday, May 26, 2005

Er, Hello?

Oh no! Memorial Day weekend is almost upon us and thus the end of May and yet...YET, I have blogged, what, ONCE in a MONTH???? How can this be? For to be too busy to blog would suggest that my life is incredibly hectic, that the social scene I'm so in to, is just, well, how can I put it but to say Paris Hilton and I were LIKETHIS......I mean, THAT'S HOT!!!

Ok, so Paris is not my cup of tea (the woman, not the Country), and alas, I was not into any social scene, this month or in recent memory (but if Bill Clinton ever comes to town, WATCH OUT!)

Alas, it seems my only excuse is laziness. It HAS to be laziness you see. That is the reason for my lack of blog time. Because it can't be OLD AGE! It can't be that I come home from work and want to crash on my waterbed. Nooooo.....It is just laziness.

Or maybe I'm resting up for my upcoming trip to Duluth? (DULUTH???) Oh my goodness. I'm looking forward to Duluth? I've GOT to get out more.


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