Saturday, November 13, 2004


I cannot believe, in our screwy justice system, that Scott Peterson was actually found GUILTY!! For ONCE, justice was served!!! WOW! I thought sure the bastard would walk. Hell, his smug and arrogant face and demeanor was enough to put him behind bars. I just hope Laci's parents can begin to move on now that scumbag Scott has been found guilty. But somehow, I doubt they will actually have closure, what with the obvious appeals that will be popping up left and right.

But GUILTY!! WAY TO GO!!! Scott, hope you are enjoying yourself in your new home!

Now, I just MUST learn to let out my feelings more, don't you think? :)

Monday, November 01, 2004


I can't believe we are FINALLY at election eve as I write this. If Kerry doesn't get voted in tomorrow.....well, there will be hell to pay for anyone NEAR this blogger!

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