I mentioned this in last years blog on Diana, but for me, the day of her death is actually two days. She died in the early morning hours of 31st August, in Paris. To those of us in the United States, it was 30th August. For me, I lost Diana August 30th.
And, you may be asking, what does Neil Diamond have to do with Princess Diana? As can be seen from the two photos above, he danced with her in the White House, recorded a song mentioning her, and met her on at least two occasions in England where he performed for she and Charles.
Ironic then that on the anniversary of Diana's death, I'm going to be seeing Neil Diamond in concert! Yes, on the 31st of August I'll be at the "Target Center" to see him perform. What a conflict of emotions I can write with certainly. But I know how much Diana enjoyed watching Neil and I can visually see her clapping and moving about as he performed "Forever in Blue Jeans". If he does this song tonight, Diana will be uppermost in my mind, as she will be throughout the night.
I'll be there physically, she'll be there spiritually.
Another day, another year, we continue on in our journey in life. Diana, you are with me so much and I thank you for all you still continue to do for those of us left behind.
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