Saturday, February 05, 2005


The house I live in has ghosts. This is not something new to me, a firm believer in the paranormal, and thus I feel "open" to the "afterlife". While spirits have made their presence known in this house before, they are getting nightly restless lately.

Some huge, incredible occurrence happening? No, was not like that. Subtle roamings, the ghostly spirits making their presence known. While we have ghosts I do not know of for certain (one I do know), there is also the spirits of our many cats who have died (and whose ashes we have in urns), who come and go when they feel like it, but again, this is not a "usual" routine, which brings me to this post.

Two days ago, when seeking a book I had read recently, I was near one of my dolls. (I am an avid doll collector). Now this doll is not a small, light weight doll. This doll is vinyl, 16 inches, and has been in the same position/place for a few years. She does not get moved. I reached down to pick up the book and looked to see that this doll was facing not toward the staircase leading to the main floor, but with her face against the wall. ( A 180% turn). Hmmm, I thought as I repositioned her in her usual position. I went downstairs to enquire if the person I co habitate with had moved her for some reason. Nope! He said, knowing our house, "it must have been a ghost". We who live here are so blase'.

Then last night. I awoke around 2 a.m. and could not go back to sleep. Wide awake I was, and would look over occasionally and see our cat, Tippy, sound asleep on his side of my bed. As the hours passed, I could not help but think of how deeply Tippy was sleeping (and thinking that maybe the fresh air in my room, with the window being opened for the first time in months, was making him a happy little lad in repose).

Time passed, check the clock, what? Only 15 minutes since I last looked? Oh my!

Then around 5 a.m. Tippy awoke. He did his usual stretch, walked over me (again a usual occurrence), and I thought ("his internal morning clock is consistent"). I laid there until 6 a.m. today and then got up.

Upon arising I saw the person I co habitate was also up. He asked how I had slept and I told him, going on about how surprised I was at Tippy's deep slumber. He looked at me oddly and said, " Are you sure? Tippy has been with me (in his bedroom) since at least 3. He did leave for a few minutes off and on but was mainly sleeping beside me".

"No", I replied. "I was TOTALLY awake last night. I even got up, went to my den to get a book, came back, looked at Tippy, not even moving so deep in sleep he was".

I'm totally puzzled....this is the strangest thing to happen yet. And what IS happening? How could Tippy be in two places at once? Was one a ghost? A spirit? Who was roaming our house, and how could it take the form of Tippy? Then I think, who saw the REAL Tippy? Was it I, who was awake most of the night, or my room-mate, who was awake occasionally? Was the fact that Tippy didn't move on my bed a sign that this was his physical body but his spirit was roaming?

So many questions................................


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